Ike's Canyon Ranch
A Writer's Far Outpost

middle of nowhere / best place on earth to write
Ike's Canyon Ranch
Ike's is 67 acres of remote, high plains desert paradise nestled in the foothills of the Toquima Range in the Monitor Valley in Central Nevada. We are at 7,200 feet elevation, surrounded by national forest and ranch land in America's Great Basin.
The ranch was once a stagecoach stop between Austin and Belmont, NV. The old, now refurbished, stone cabin stagecoach stop is one of our guest accommodations.
We get our mail and groceries 70 miles away, much of that on a dirt road.
We have no light pollution at all. Visitors see the Milky Way as a great road of stars across the night sky, sometimes for the first time in their lives.
Most people do not believe a place like this still exists.

Our Mission
the slideshow

Fall 2022
Robin McLean, the Ike's workshop leader, will be cruising about the US and UK this fall iwith the launch of her second collection of stories, Get'em Young, Treat'em Tough, Tell'em Nothing (also the paperback launch of her critically acclaimed novel, Pity the Beast.)
But she'll be leading fall workshops online through Hugo House in Seattle:
August 13
"Time as a Tool for Tension in Fiction"
Sept 18
October 2 & 9
for more info